Thursday, July 24, 2008

What's going on

Well, its about time to do some posting, I guess, now that I have this page looking good! Summer is in full swing around here and we are loving it!! Being home is the best part~ no schedule, no bedtime, no worries. Only a little over 3 weeks left for me, so I better enjoy it...

Yesterday and Tuesday was cheer camp for my mini cheerleaders. BigGirl gets to cheer this year and was SO excited to be there learning cheers, stunting, and dancing to Fergalicious with the high school cheerleaders!! She could be pretty good if she would just pay attention better, but that's another long story. BabyGirl got to go with us yesterday and got in on the fun with a little stunt action herself. She will be the one with the talent b/c right now she is the only child of mine who can follow directions. I see an expensive future here...

Bible school is this week. We have a new christian education director who comes up with some pretty out there stuff sometimes. Like this bible school, the whole family is "encouraged to participate together". Well, I'm all about some family time, but we get plenty of it being together all day every day during the summer. Does it sound like too much to ask that I just can drop them off and not feel guilty about it? We have achieved just that each night so far, but I have a feeling tonight will be the night I somehow get roped into staying and "participating". Is it too much to ask that B and I get one week during the year where we can have adult conversation during dinner without any screaming or scrambling going on?? We did go to the El Corona last night after sneaking out the bible school back door and I may or may not have had a NICE margarita sans children. Don't get me wrong, I truly love my children. On the other hand, I have done my time on the bible school committee and I'd like to be able to opt out this year, take a break, have some quiet time, etc... But, I'm just saying...


Our Moments said...

LOVE the blog!! :)

And, I don't blame you for sneaking out on bible school!! It's great to have some adult time from time to time!!

Angela said...

Great site - I love the colors! I found you via Reynie's blog...

I think VBS is for the kiddos myself!