Sunday, January 4, 2009


I've been putting off going back to work for as long as possible, but tomorrow is the day. I think the back to school after Christmas dread is why New Year's is my least favorite holiday. I prolonged my vacation an extra day by taking annual leave on Friday instead of going in for the teacher workday. I made extra sure that I was ready for this week when I left school before Christmas.

It really won't be that bad- Monday's are actually nice this year. I work at my "other" school and share a room with one of my good friends. The children are sweet and the classes go by fast. The hardest part will be the getting up at 5:30 am when I've been sleeping until 8:30 or 9 for the past 2 weeks (I've been blessed with late sleeping children). Oh, and I'll really miss my girls, too. I've been searching online for higher paying jobs for B so I can be a stay at home mom... anyone know someone who needs an experienced loan officer/bank manager??

1 comment:

Our Moments said...

Oh how I would love to be a stay at home mom... it's just not in the cards for us. :(

There are lots of banks opening up in our area... although, I doubt you'll want to move here. :)